Our Little Roses

Poetry – a way to transform the reality of girls in an orphanage in Honduras

Lilián Pallares and Charles Olsen were invited to give creative poetry workshops in the orphanage for girls, Our Little Roses, and the Holy Family Bilingual School, in San Pedro Sula, Honduras in 2022 and 2023.

From the poem Silencio gris (Grey Silence), written by Gissel Orellana in the Poetry Club, they made a poetry film with the girls. It was selected for ZEBRINO, international competition for poetry films for children and youth, in the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Berlin, and presented in the Museum of Anthropology and History in San Pedro Sula.

Our Little Roses Poetry Fellowship
'Vídeo poesía de niña San Pedrana está participando en festival en Berlín' in La Voz Internacional, Sept 2023 [in Spanish]