(2023) Dos bocachicos en el mar mediterráneo (de Daniel Aguirre), Espacio Afro, Madrid
(2022) Bestial, Sala Tarambana, Madrid
(2022) Afrolyrics, poesía a ritmo de tambor, CC Paco Rabal, Madrid
(2022) Cuentos bajo el sol, Casa del Lector, Madrid
(2022) Cuentos bajo el sol, CC Gloria Fuertes, Madrid
(2021) Guest at PoeMaRío, Biblioteca Piloto del Caribe, Barranquilla
(2021) Bestial, Sala Maldonado 53, Madrid
(2021) Cuentos bajo el sol, Distrito Villa de Vallecas, Madrid
(2021) Cuentos bajo el sol, CC Julio Cortazar, Madrid
(2021) Palabra Azul, poesía del agua, Casa de la lectura, Segovia
(2021) Cuentos bajo el sol, Casa de la lectura, Segovia
(2020) Palabra Azul, poesía del agua, CC Buenavista, Madrid
(2020) Cuentos bajo el sol, CC Federico Chueca, Madrid
(2019) Palabra Azul, poesía del agua, Palacio de la Audiencia, Soria
(2019) Entre las sombras de la vida hay horas, Festival Poemad, Conde Duque, Madrid
(2019) Guest of the festival Griots es Poetas with Afroféminas, La Casa Encendida, Madrid
(2019) Afrolyrics, poesía a ritmo de tambor, CC Lope de Vega, Madrid
(2019) Palabra Azul, poesía del agua, Black Barcelona, Barcelona
(2018) Afrolyrics, poesía a ritmo de tambor, Expoesía 11, Soria
(2018) Poetry recital in the fashion show of African designer Tida Coly, Madrid
(2017) Afrolyrics, poesía a ritmo de tambor, Afroconciencia, Matadero Madrid
(2017) Afrolyrics, una historia de amor y tambor, Teatro Adolf Mejía, Cartagena de Indias
(2016) Afrolyrics, una historia de amor y tambor, Instituto de Cervantes, Madrid
(2016) Tan Tan Poético, Rencontre Abbaye Centro Cultural de Neumünster, Luxemburg
(2015) Pequeño muerte, Teatro Íntimo, Madrid
(2012) Tan Tan Poético, Casa América, Madrid
(2012) Agita Flamenco, Sala Manuel de Falla, S.G.A.E., Madrid
(2011) Agita Flamenco, New Zealand Pavilion of the Venice Biennale of Art, Italy


Afrolyrics Theatre Company develops pieces with the Colombian director Daniel Aguirre, where poetry, storytelling, music and dance are woven together


  1. Afrolyrics, a story of love and drums in Sala Maldonado, Madrid
  2. Afrolyrics, poetry to the rhythm of the drum in Festival Afroconciencia, Matadero Madrid
  3. Bestial in Sala Tarambana, Madrid
  4. Stories in the Sun, in Casa del Lector, Madrid
  5. Blue Word, poetry of water, Federico Chueca Cultural Centre, Madrid

Based on the poetry collections of Lilián Pallares the Afrolyrics Theatre Company has developed a number of shows with the Colombian stage director Daniel Aguirre. They have worked with the musicians Álvaro Llerena Martínez, 'The Enchanted Drummer', Shangó Dely, William Carreazo, David Mesa, Denisse Ariza, Raúl Platz, Charles Olsen, Aboubaker Syla, Fabrice Virapatirin, Baye Nar Ndiaye, and the African dancer Marisa Camara, among others.

Some of the shows are designed for children and family audiences such as Cuentos Bajo el Sol (Stories in the Sun), Palabra Azul, poesía del agua (Blue Word, poetry of water), Tan Tan Poético (Poetic Tan Tan) and Afrolyrics, poesía a ritmo de tambor (Afrolyrics, poetry to the rhythm of the drum), while others are aimed at a more general, or adult, audience, such as Bestial and Afrolyrics, una historia de amor y tambor (Afrolyrics, a story of love and drums).

Entre las sombras de la vida hay horas (Between the shadows of life are hours) is a recital in which, accompanied by the cello Raúl Platz, the Colombian writers Carlos Granés and Lilian Pallares travel, from the end of the nineteenth century to the present, the essential moments of Colombian poetry.

Information and video spots of the shows on Lilián Pallares' website [in Spanish]