Hello, how can we help each other?

poetry, performance, workshops, video, poetry film, documentaries, essays, translations, art, music, photography

We are a creative duo with an important focus on our own personal projects. We live in constant exploration and experimentation, whether it be with our writing, poetry films, performances or art.

We love working with people –in workshops or collaborations– sharing our knowledge and cultivating critical and creative ways of thinking. For a foundation, museum or any institution, this can be an innovative way to bring the public closer to activities or an exhibition.

Or maybe you would like to offer support or sponsor one of our activities.

Write to us at hola@antenablue.com with any questions, or to arrange a meeting with us.

Lilián and Charles

ONCE Foundation
National Centre of Art Reina Sofía Museum
Literary Agency Dos Passos
CRA Matadero Madrid
Madrid un libro abierto
La Parcería Cultural Centre
City Councils of Madrid, Segovia, Soria
Colombia Consulate in Madrid
Colombian Embassy
New Zealand Embassy
Casa del Lector, Matadero Madrid
Caro y Cuervo Institute
Cervantes Institute
Biblioteca Piloto del Caribe, Barranquilla
Ernesto McCausland Foundation
La Cueva Foundation
Liberated Words
The Cuba Press
Mākaro Press
Landing Press
Massey University Press
Read NZ Te Pou Muramura
NZ National Poetry Day
Our Little Roses
Compañía Parpadeo
Fundación ithra
Aotearoa Poetry Film Festival
Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland University of Technology